It all boils down to our Attitude!

It all boils down to our Attitude!

In a recent workshop for a client: “From Average (mediocre) to EXCELLENCE” I reminded the employees of Viktor Frankl’s book: Man’s Search for Meaning. I fully agree with Simon Sinek that “Every human being should read this book”.

The topic of Attitude – the last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude IN ANY GIVEN SET OF CIRCUMSTANCES, to choose one’s own way! When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged (and able) to change ourselves! We can most certainly say that any experience in a concentration camp is much worse than what we are experiencing with the pandemic – but the principle remains…..we cannot change the virus and what it has caused, we can, however, look within to explore our attitudes, values and beliefs. 

Contact us if you are interested to host this workshop for your teams.